Tuesday, June 29

I’m a little behind on my blogs, but I will catch up right now.

I find it very interesting that at our home in south Mississippi, high temperatures are in the 80s and it is very wet. Here in Idaho, we have high temps in the 90s and no rain in sight. In fact, there is a heat advisory and Potato Country is going through a drought. Quick! Someone figure out how to pipe some of our liquid sunshine up here!

Saturday, we set up for VBS, rested, then went to two worship services.

One group went to the Christian Cowboy Church and our own Carolyn and Paul Pipkins presented the mission work they shared with the Navajo Indians.  Last year during the covid experience, it seems the Navajo were starving. Carolyn organized some teams to take food to those in need and the Blackfoot community responded in a resounding fashion.

Another group went to Falls Baptist Church, the other church where we will do VBS. It was a good experience for that crew since we have only talked to pastor Jarred Clark. It was good for some team members to meet the congregation.

We were a little worried about the mission effort with Falls Baptist Church since pastor Clark was not answering or returning any phone calls. It was ok though, as we found out while kayaking, the good pastor baptized his cell phone in the Snake River.

Afterward, we were invited to watch a huge fireworks display. It was put on by the city of Blackfoot and we watched it from a Cowboy Church member’s house. The wonderful light show was topped off with ice cream, chips, and homemade salsa. I don’t think anyone topped their ice cream with salsa, though.  But it was a good double-dose of fireworks, one for the eyes and another for the tongue.

Sunday, we worshiped with our host church, Riverside Baptist. The Pipkins again presented their show on the Navajo and Lyle Rainey told of his missionary experiences. We also had some missionary moments from Christena Dickson, who did missionary work from her college several years ago.

After lunch, it was off to the Country Church in Arco. Two years ago we worked with them and presented the VBS lessons there. The good part was that we didn’t tell them we were coming. We heard a great message and a very interesting song from Tim the Idahoan (we never got his last name) If you want to hear something like what we heard, click this link; Idahoan Psalter: Psalm 46.

A great day of worship prepared us for this upcoming week.

Until tomorrow,

It’s All Don Hill From Here

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